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While the gym itself has been around for several years, Unstoppable Fitness took over in late 2020! Founded by Jennifer Shugar, Unstoppable Fitness is the place where anyone of any fitness level, age, body type, gender, can go and get an amazing workout in just 45 minutes! By combining short periods of intense anaerobic exercise with less-intense recovery periods, you’ll see results quickly! We want you to leave with your head held high, covered in sweat, with a smile on your face knowing that you just had the best 45 minutes of your day! We know that showing up can be the hardest part but, Unstoppable Fitness is for everyone whether you’re new to exercise or a seasoned pro!We truly want you to be #unstoppable!
45-minute High-Intensity Interval Training designed for everyone!
Be social and make friends while
getting fit.
Ditch the diet and learn to eat in a
way that is sane.
It's 5 days for $5. One simple fitness task, daily! No diets involved! The first task is to simply, workout! Are YOU up for the challenge??